Happy Birthday to Me!

And no, believe it or not, there’s no sarcasm in that headline. Shocking, I know.

Today is my day o’ birth. And I’m in a reflecting mood, so bear with me.

This past year has been great. 2010 was a rough, rough year for me, at least the months of September-November were, when I was shockingly and unexpectedly laid off from my “dream” job. But this past year has been great.  An awakening that makes me feel like I am working where I should be – in a place that values me and sees potential in me.

And my precious little boy Riley is hands down the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. I can’t wait until he wakes up in the morning because I look forward to seeing him every day that much. He continues to amaze me with the funny things he says and the super sweet, smart things he says. “Mommy, you’re my best friend,” which he says just about every day, gets me every. single. time. I’m so lucky.

I’ve got the world’s best husband who provides for us by working hard and takes care of our boy in the best way possible every day while I put on a blazer and go to work. Life is good.

And methinks it’s about to get better. I believe 2012 is going to be another great year. Fingers crossed.

Happy birthday to me!

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